Black Belt Testing

Become a JLFS Black Belt

Be part of an Elite Group of Martial Artists!  Become a certified Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Black Belt! 

Become a JLFS Black Belt

– Must be sponsored by a JLFS Black Belt or approved by a JLFS board member.
– Must be able to perform 3 Rounds of sparring demonstrating solid technique, skill and strategy.
– Must be able to demonstrate Shadow Boxing with solid technique, skill and strategy.
– Must be able to both perform and explain the fight sequence relevant to the rank that you are testing for.
– Must own the Official JLFS Black belt manual (No exceptions)

Fight Sequence requirements
1st Dan – Benny Briscoe
2nd Dan – Short Punch
3rd Dan – 38
4th Dan – Shotgun
5th Dan – Matador
6th Dan – Machine Gun

Black Belt Pledge

“I solemnly swear that I will use the art of Joe Lewis Fighting Systems solely for purposes of defense, never for purposes of aggression, and will teach my students to do likewise. I will treat with respect both my teachers and my students. The welfare of my students will be my first consideration. I will not permit consideration of race, religion, national origin, or social standing to influence in any way my relations with my students. I will strive to impart to my students an attitude of respect and appreciation of the responsibility that a knowledge of this art entails. I will never sanction the use of this art for destructive or harmful ends. I make these promises solemnly and on my honor.”

Mailing Address
Joe Lewis Fighting Systems
P.O. Box 2021
Philadelphia, PA 19122


Phil Maldonato – [email protected]
Tom Updegrove – [email protected]
Bob Mauro – [email protected]


Phil Maldonato – 856-889-0844
Tom Updegrove – 215-850-2369
Bob Mauro – 516-633-8427