The Man Behind The Name

Joe Lewis

Joe Lewis was an American kickboxer, full contact karate fighter, and actor. As a fighter, Lewis gained fame for his matches in the 1960s and 1970s. He has twice been voted the greatest fighter in karate history, and has attained the titles of “United States Heavyweight Kickboxing Champion,” “World Heavyweight Karate Champion,” “United States National Black Belt Kata Champion,” and World Champion in both kickboxing and full contact karate.

As a heavyweight World Champion fighter and martial artist, Joe Lewis has done it first and done it best. Of the millions of people who have participated in the martial arts since their inception in the United States in 1948, only a few have had a measurable impact with the general public…and Joe Lewis is at the top of this list.

Most sections of this site are only available to members of the Joe Lewis organization. Joe will provide a video lesson of the month, available in the Lessons section of this site. Additionally, segments from Joe’s previously released DVD sets will be regularly featured in the Series section. Finally, articles about and by Joe Lewis, fight videos, and Q&As will be available.

In addition to the web site, JLFS members receive email newsletters, a discount on the annual conference, belt promotion eligibility, and more.

The Team

Meet the Dedicated Team that Keeps the Joe Lewis Name Thriving

Tom Updegrove
Legacy Members Kristina Lewis and Cameron Lewis
President Phil Maldonato – [email protected]
Vice President Tom Updegrove – [email protected]
Treasurer Bob Mauro – [email protected]
Executive Secretary/Coordinator Bob Mauro – [email protected]
Conference Test Coordinators Bob Mauro – [email protected]
Under Belt Development Craig Smith and Rob Payne
Youth/Female Coordinators Trish Koehler
Merchandise Director
(Distribution, Sales of JLFS Merchandise)
Tom Updegrove
No Phone Orders
email:  tu@joelewisfightingsystems
Organizational Development
Web Site Director/Web Master Tom Updegrove
Web Site Designer
Newsletter   Editor Dennis Campo
Membership   Director Tom Updegrove – [email protected]
Bob Mauro – [email protected]
JLFS England
George Fitzgerald
JLFS Canada
Doug Klinger
JLFS   West Coast Steve Smith
Board Members  Tom Updegrove – Phil Maldonato – Steve Smith – Tom Fischer – Bob Mauro  – Walt Lysak –
Senior Mentors
Dr. Maung Gyi Walter Anderson
GM  Dennis Nackord
Combative Administration
National Training Director
JLFS Standards
Phil Maldonato
Kickboxing Director Phil Maldonato
Grappling and Ground Fighting Directors Walt Lysak – Tom Updegrove
Reality Based Training Advisers Walt   Lysak